About Fabric February

During the summer of 2023, Cathrine, Marthe and Emilie got an idea. They wanted to bring together Fabric enthusiasts for a day full of learning, networking and fun. They said LET’S DO IT!

And so, on August 11th, 2023, Fabric February was born 🤓

Why Fabric February?

Our mission is simple: to foster collaboration, facilitate learning, and create invaluable networking opportunities within the Fabric community.

We want to bring together the seasoned pros and those just starting their journeys. The Data Engineers who ensure critical data is always available and the Data Analysts who create magic in Power BI. The citizen developers who use Fabric as a tool to make their jobs easier and the the IT pros who thrive when they get to dig into the nitty gritty details of code optimization and performance tuning.

We’re all better when we work together and lift each other up.

That’s why we created Fabric February. A place where you can connect with like-minded professionals, learn from the best in the field, and explore the possibilities of the Microsoft Fabric technology. All while enjoying snacks and having fun 🥳

Why in February… on a Thursday?

📆 There are existing Microsoft data events in Norway in the spring and fall. As our community is growing, we wanted to provide the community with a third option.

❄️ We wanted to give speakers and attendees from all over the world a chance to spend a weekend in Norway - in the snow!

🧑‍💻 Norwegians value their time off work. By organizing this event on a Thursday, we wanted to signal to companies and employers that learning and networking is an important part of IT professionals’ jobs, and enable coworkers to attend together.

What’s the deal with #SNÆCKS?

We like snacks. Snacks are important when you spend a whole day getting your brain melted while listening to amazing sessions. We enjoy snacks a lot. In Norwegian, snæcks sounds the same as snacks, it just looks cooler. Did we mention that we have a fondness for snacks? Snacks are good for your happiness.

On a serious note, organizing an event takes a lot of time, energy and effort. We want this to be fun and not just exhausting for us, so we joke about #SNÆCKS while simultaneously planning an awesome technical conference. It’s just how we do it at Fabric February 😎

What’s RAWR?

You may see the name RAWR pop up. This is the legal not-for-profit umbrella organization behind Fabric February, created by the Fabric February team.

How can I help promote Fabric February?

Thank you for asking! 😁


For white / light backgrounds:

Fabric February logo for light backgrounds.

For gradient / medium backgrounds:

Fabric February logo for medium backgrounds.

For black / dark backgrounds:

Fabric February logo for dark backgrounds.


Black Fabric February logo.


White Fabric February logo.