Fabric February Code of Conduct

All attendees, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers at Fabric February are required to agree with the following code of conduct.

Organizers are committed to creating a safe and inclusive experience for our event attendees, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment in any form.

Harassment includes but isn’t limited to verbal comments that derogate individuals based on gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion, or any other status protected by law. Also considered harassment are the use of sexual imagery in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, unwarranted following, non-consensual photography or recording, persistent disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwarranted sexual attention.

All communication — including at the event and various associated venues, as well as online — should be appropriate for a professional audience. Be kind to others. We value and champion the positive interactions that make Fabric February a vibrant, enriching community. We encourage attendees to be proactive in creating a welcoming atmosphere, whether that’s through inclusivity, collaboration, or simply lending a helping hand. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody.

While our primary event takes place at a designated location, the principles of this Code of Conduct also extend to all associated venues, including dinner events, online forums, and social media affiliated with Fabric February. We’re dedicated to ensuring a respectful experience across all these platforms.

Should you have questions, concerns or need to report an issue, please reach out to us at [email protected]. We will listen, investigate, and take appropriate action.

Reporting an issue

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is, or have any concerns, please contact event organizers via one of these methods:

In your report please include:

All reports will be handled with discretion.

One of the event organizers will contact you personally, review the incident, follow up with any additional questions, and decide as to how to respond. If the person who is harassing you is part of the response team, they will recuse themselves from handling your incident. If the complaint originates from a member of the response team, it will be handled by a different member of the response team. We will respect confidentiality requests for the purpose of protecting victims of abuse.

The reporting mechanisms under this Code of Conduct are not intended to address criminal activity or emergency situations. If you have been the victim of a crime or there is an emergency, please contact the appropriate municipal authorities, such as the police, fire, medical, or other emergency responders.

Consequences of unacceptable behavior

Unacceptable behavior from any event attendee, including sponsors and those with decision-making authority, will not be tolerated. Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately.

If an event attendee engages in unacceptable behavior, the event organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, up to and including a temporary ban or permanent expulsion from the event without warning (and without refund in the case of any amount being paid to attend the event).

Thank you for helping make Fabric February a welcoming and friendly place for all to share new ideas, learn, and connect 💚